1 RowOut: pByteArray; 2 RowIn : array[0..2400] of pByteArray; 3 4 RowOut := pByteArray(Bitmap0.Scanline[y]); 5 6 RowIn[xout] := pByteArray(Imagebits.Picture.Bitmap.Scanline[wout-1-xout]); 7 8 9 if RowIn[x*8+bitx][y div 8] and pu2[y mod 8] <> 0 then 10 11 if RowIn[x*8+bitx]^[y div 8] and pu2[y mod 8] <> 0 then12 13 14 Rowout[x] := Rowout[x] or pu2[bitx];
15 Rowout^[x] := Rowout^[x] or pu2[bitx];